Back in highschool, Wednesdays meant shepherd's pie day at the cafeteria. It also meant it was my dad's turn to volunteer at the cafeteria, meaning i could ask him for 3 bucks to get the shepherd's pie. It was a simple yet divine westernized version of the traditional. Thick layer of ground beef and thick layer of freshly mashed potatoes and thick brown gravy. Iv'e tried the traditional style at Irish pubs, and never quite liked it as much. Just how i like some artificial flavorings better than the real thing, like taro, grape, sometimes strawberry. You can't just place real flavours and artificial flavours in the same ballpark. They should be appreciated in their own rights.
So this recipe is basic. I just throw in what i like and what i have.
if you want to make it exactly how i did, you will need:
- ground meats (beef. this one i used lean, but if youre on death row, or have a really good work-out regime, then go ahead, spoil yourself and get non lean for extra flavour. you deserve it.)
- frozen corn
- lots of garlic
- seasonings (paprika, cayenne, basil, salt, pepper, garlic powder...)
- gravy powder or gravy
- instant mashed potatoes (i prefer doing real mashed potatoes, and i'll someday post that too, but i just didn't have the time for that. i was too busy staring off into the distance and into the eyes of the devil)
- potato chips.
- FUN!
i start off with sauteing the TRINITY and garlic and then add the meat and seasonings. add corn and a bit of gravy powder to thicken the juices towards the end.
After preparing the instant mash, put the meats in a thing, and then mash on top. I like to sprinkle cayenne and paprika on top cuz i like things spicy and colourful. At this point, you can throw chips from a safe distance.
let it sit for awhile. |
Wasn't planning on doing this but WHAT THE HELL! YORKSHIRE PUDDING. WHY THE HELL NOT?
just 3 eggs, cup of milk, and cup of flour. i think. throw some butter and or olive oil in baking things (if u have meat fat, even better) throw the baking thing in a 450degree oven til it gets hot. take out of oven, throw in mixture, and throw back into oven and DO NOT OPEN THE OVEN DOOR after til the end.
Turn the kitchen light off and watch the pudding through the oven window. This is more romantic than sitting by a fireplace. I recommend putting into muffin tins or a wider pan. The centre of the pudding was too thick, but the sides were great. I may have used too much oil. But whatever.
The Wait by The Pretenders
The Funeral by Band of Horses
and anything by Loreena Mckennitt