Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Pin The Sperm on the Egg

My sister is having a baby, so we arranged a gangster themed baby shower. One of the games was the classic baby shower game: Pin the sperm on the egg. You can't buy a uterus at your local party supply store, so i made a painting of one instead. I got the idea from my friend Kelly who made one for our friend Scott and Sara's baby shower and it looked so cool. This is what mine looks like from start to finish. Brace yourselves. 

You will need:

Posterboard any colour (can get this from a dollar store. u can get all u need from a dollar store actually.)
Paint, or felt pens
Picture of a uterus. i used this one
paper (any kind will do. construction paper is good so it's not too flimsy)

Use leftover sperm to stick on Mom To Be's belly.
Baby Mama Drama

Playlist: The Pretty Reckless - Light Me Up album. Soo into this band right now. Been awhile since i've found another good female fronted rock band that inspires me.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Pixies Vancouver 2011

I went to go see the Pixies play at The Orpheum. It was surreal. For so many reasons. It was a treat to watch Joey Santiago play.