Monday, August 15, 2011

Thai Green Curry

Summa the stuff you'd need:

1 can of coconut milk 
half a pack of that curry paste
thai chili
fish sauce
brown sugar
meat (chicken, basa fish is good too, beef)
veggie - i like green bell pepper, eggplant, and sometimes mushroom or zuchinni
onions and garlic are optional. 

You can buy this packet from Chinatown at Sunrise market for like 79cents. They have red and yellow as well. they carry it at other stores too. Check your local Asian grocers.

Heat up a wok with some oil, throw in the paste, throw in the meat, throw in the coconut milk. Then once meat is cooked, throw in the veggies, and cook for a bit. Season with fish sauce. Just follow whatever it says on the packet. I'm so lazy right now. This post was basically made so i can show off my new cleaver and knife magnet.

Garnish with Chili and Basil.


1 comment:

  1. press your tongue to the knife magnet. if it sticks, you're a robot.
