Thursday, January 5, 2012

SPECIAL GUEST BLOGGER EDITION: Home-made Chocolate Bars and Chocolate Animals.

Hi guys!

My name is Greggors Thompson.  I am a male homemaker, a food buff, and a friend of Bella's.  I have a GREAT recipe to show you today.  These are home-made chocolate bars and mini chocolate animals for the kids, and adults who are kids inside, LIKE ME!

Here's what you're gonna need:

1.) Chocolate (I used Baker's chocolate, I would suggest another kind though.  You can figure it out.)
2.) Apricots
3.) Nuts
4.) Vanilla
5.) Brown sugar
6.) 6-pack of beer
7.) An inter-racial couple that will give you a chocolate making kit as a present.

This is what the kit looks like.

Ok, first things first: drink three of the beers in order to get into the mood to cook.

Chop up the apricots and nuts.

They'll look like this if you chop them up.

Next, heat a pot of bowling water and put a metal bowl overtop with the chocolate in it and melt it.  It takes a bit of time so drink another one of the beers while you stir.

Pour in a bit of the vanilla.  Just a blurp.

Add some brown sugar because if you're like me, NOTHING is ever sweet enough.  Drink one more beer and pour the last beer into two cups, one big and one large.

Drink the large beer and pour a bit from the small beer into the chocolate.  Drink the remainder of the small beer.

Pour the chocolate into the mold.  I started with the chocolate bar mold so you should too.

It will look like this if you don't do it wrong.

Next, I poured the chocolate into the animal molds and put the nuts and apricot in.  It should look messy and rushed.

Your work station should also look messy and rushed.

Put the molds into the fridge and after an hour or two, take them out and remove the chocolates from the mold.

I like to leave the edges rough and unattractive.  If I were you I would change the recipe though.  It actually doesn't work very well and doesn't taste good.

"Young Turks" by Rod Stewart.
"Whatta man" by Salt n Peppa.
That song about buying shoes by Nelly.