Tuesday, April 5, 2011

French Onion Soup

butter, olive oil, broth, onions, marjoram, emmenthal, baguette

Slice onions thinly and evenly. Saute on low heat with butter and olive oil. This process should take over 20 minutes.

May I suggest the following things to read while passing the time between occasional stirring:

1. Preacher by Garth Ennis for Vertigo
2. Young Liars by David Lapham for Vertigo
3. Any short story by Ray Bradbury

I guess you could also use this time to cut the baguette into slices and toast in the oven until hard like croutons. Brush those bad boys with some extra virginal olive oil. Whats that? Thats olive oil that has never even had one impure thought. Shred some cheese too. Just don't forget to stir the onions before it burns, and your life is over.
the onions should reach a golden hue. i got impatient.

add flour

add marjoram and then broth. $alt&pepper.

do something like this

 Try to get more cheese on the edges so you get those imperative crusty bits.

If it isn't love by New Edition
Starlight by Muse
Swedes in Stockholm by Tokyo Police Club
Sweet Dreams by Emily Browning

1 comment:

  1. i've never used marjoram once. Although I did go to high school with a girl named Marjoram and I used her many times.
